Bagan Alur Proses

by Creately Team
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Bagan Alur Proses

A Bagan Alur Proses is a graphical representation of a process which helps the user to visualize and understand the various steps involved. It is particularly useful in education, as it helps teachers and learners to track the progress of a project in a simplified, visualized form. This makes the material more accessible and easier to follow, allowing learners to better comprehend and remember the process. A Bagan Alur Proses also allows teachers to monitor the progress of the learners’ understanding, and adapt instruction to better suit the learners’ needs.

Anda dapat dengan mudah mengedit templat ini menggunakan Creately. Anda dapat mengekspornya dalam berbagai format seperti JPEG, PNG, dan SVG dan dengan mudah menambahkannya ke dokumen Word, presentasi Powerpoint (PPT), Excel, atau dokumen lainnya. Anda dapat mengekspornya sebagai PDF untuk cetakan berkualitas tinggi.

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